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Table of content.

  1. Identifying A Real and Legit Company.

    Who are they, what is their mission, how long have they been operating, their compensation plan, their products.
  2. Build a huge Prospect List.

    Invite People, nurture your Prospects, give them a reason to join you, Don’t be discourage, Be Patient with Prospects.
  3. Recruit People.

    Follow up on registered members, be a leader, teach them, encourage them, grow with them.
  4. Use Social Media.

    Online Marketing, Facebook Marketing, WhatsApp Marketing, YouTube Marketing, advantages of social media marketing.
  5. Build an Image.

    Brand yourself, know your Products, be proud of your products, believe in your products, use your products.
  6. Perseverance.

    Internal discouragement, external discouragements, consumption of resources, time consumption, seeing the bigger picture, overcome discouragement.
  7. Put 100% of your time. Avoid unnecessary television programs, avoid too much leisure, avoid unnecessary parties, write down your goals, make a plan, take action immediately.
  8. Work with Passion.

    Knowing what you want, how to develop passion, 4 types of motivational activities.
  9. Avoid Distractions.

    Other affiliate programs, avoid negative influence on your team, 5 types of distractions and how to avoid them.


Affiliate Marketing is one of the ways to make money online. Affiliate marketing is a system of business were you are required to sell a company products and earn a commission. You can earn 8% depending on the company commission volume.

          Identifying the legit and real company could be very challenging but that is the first step for every successful affiliate marketer. You can actually make a lot of money through affiliate marketing if you are willing to learn and put in the necessary effort to succeed.


 Identify A Real and Legit Company

1] Who are they?

          Before joining an affiliate marketing company, you must first ask yourself the question, WHO ARE THEY? You must know who you are dealing with and if they can be trusted. You know affiliate marketing business takes time to build and become profitable, so you don’t want to waste your time with a platform that will shut its doors.

2] What is their Mission?

          You must know the mission of the affiliate marketingplatform you want to join. Browse their websites and check to seetheir mission and goals. Every genuine platform must have amission andgoals. See if they meet your own financial objectives and goals.

3] How Long have they been Operating?

         Many affiliate marketing businesses don’t get off the hook. Many without a solid plan and vision ends up crashing. Some due to mismanagement of the staff or administrators. So before joining an affiliate marketing company you must first want to know for how long have they been operating.

4] Their Compensation Plan.

          You must know the compensation plan of the company you wish to join. Many affiliate marketing companies have weak compensation plans. I don’t want to work were my efforts will be rewarded miserly. Make sure their compensation plan is generous and if it can make you financially independent and free. And also if it can produce passive income for you.

5] Their Products.

          What type of products do they have? Are they in high demand? You must join an affiliate marketing company with excellent products. Without the perfect product you cannot generate sales. Weaker sales simply mean less income for you. You don’t want to join a company where you cannot sell. But on the contrary you want one that will produce amazing sales and pull traffic to your website or blog.


                Build a huge Prospect List

1] Invite People.

          You have to constantly invite people to join you in your business. A lot of people are not aware of this. So they become discouraged along the line because all the efforts they put is their own. You have to know that in affiliate marketing you need people to succeed quicker and faster. Start inviting people.

2] Nurture Your Prospects.

          Many affiliate marketers build teams but they don’t follow up on their prospects. They miss the most important component of every affiliate marketing business which is to follow up on your prospects. Remember as your team grows they will be able to teach others. Your team grows without your effort. Nurture your team members.

3] Give People a Reason to Join You.

          Don’t force or pressure family and friends to join you, instead give them a reason why they should join you. People will only follow you when it’s on their interest. Before they join your business, they ask themselves ‘what is in for me’. Show them the benefits and how it has benefited you and others.

4] Don’t be Discourage.

          A lot of affiliate marketers give up so soon. They start with energy and give on when someone tells them ‘no’. The word ‘no on itself it’s not powerful. Always expect a yes or no when dealing with prospects. Some will tell you no while some yes. The few that may tell you yes maybe just what you needed to breakthrough with success.

5] Be Patient with Prospects.

          You have to be patient with your prospects. Many may not join you the same day but that doesn’t mean they will not join you in the near future. I have had prospects tell me no on the first day of presentation but ended up registering in my business. It may take 1 day,1 month or even a year for them to join you. Just be patient and keep encouraging them.


                         Recruit People

1] Follow up on Registered Members.

          Recruiting new members in your affiliate marketing business is different from recruiting affiliates. You can have a WhatsApp forum and recruit many prospects whom you present your business to. But recruiting new members simply means have those you present your business to registered. Let them registered and become fully committed as you do. Follow up on your registered members and make sure they too recruit and follow up on their downlines.

2] Be a Leader.

          Leadership is very important if you have to succeed in affiliate marketing. A leader is not someone who gives orders but one who works by examples. Don’t just tell your team members to build a team. Show them you are also involve in building a team yourself and generating sales. Be a leader with examples and not a despot.

3] Teach Team.

          You have to cultivate the habit of teaching your new recruits on how affiliate marketing really works. You have to provide them with materials and the necessary information on how to run their business. Teach them your knowledge and what made you succeed. You can teach them on WhatsApp forum, through a podcast or video.

4] Encourage them.

          With affiliate marketing many team members become discouraged along the line. It is your role as a mentor to encourage them. Give them examples of those who have succeeded in affiliate marketing through persistence. Make them understand they are working for a long-term benefit and not short-term. They depend on you to succeed so it’s your role as a sponsor to provide encouragement to your team.

5] Grow with them.

          You don’t have to grow alone and enjoy the benefits and knowledge alone. Help your team to grow. They have to grow alongside with you. Let their growth becomes your priority. As they grow and make more money, you too make more money. Affiliate marketing is team work and we all help each other succeed. Always provide articles for your team members to read. Especially articles on affiliate marketing.


                     Use Social Media

1] Online Marketing.

          Online marketing is very important today. It is a very profitable world for businesses to flourish and prosper. If you want to make it big in affiliate marketing, then make use of social media. Affiliate marketing requires constant online presence. Online marketing is the best method to use if you want to succeed in affiliate marketing.

2] Facebook Marketing.

          Facebook is a very big market and can give you lots of customers. You can open a Facebook group and a Facebook page. Promote your products on your groups. Share your groups and page so that they can grow. You can also sell on Facebook market. Boost a post so that it can reach many consumers. Facebook is a great way to make money online and have affiliate marketing success.

3] WhatsApp Marketing.

          Do you know you can make a lot of money on WhatsApp through sales? The first thing to do is to open a WhatsApp account. Secondly open a WhatsApp group. Thirdly invite people to join your group or share group with friends. Once your group has grown you can now share your products and present your business to them. Don’t underestimate the power of WhatsApp marketing, it can be the ingredient you needed to turn your business around.

4] YouTube Marketing.

          A lot of people make use of YouTube to boost sales and accelerate their affiliate marketing success. You too can make use of YouTube. Produce content explaining your business and products. Share the benefits of your products through short videos. YouTube has the power to boost your income capabilities and spearhead your business towards success.

5] Advantages of Social Media Marketing.

A] Social media can make you financially free. You can actually earn a living through social media. There are lots of demands for you are selling and offering.

B] You can sell your goods on social media anytime you want. The goods you post stays on the page for forever. Meaning anytime someone visits your page he will see your advert whether you are online or not.

C] You can recruit new partners through social media. Social media platforms are very effective when it comes to recruiting or sponsor new partners for your business.


                        Build an Image

1] Brand yourself.

          You have to brand yourself and not the company you are working for. Because when people buy, they buy because they trust you and not your company. This is one of the reasons most people fail in affiliate marketing, they talk too much about their company to others and forget to talk about themselves. Brand yourself and you will have affiliate marketing success.

2] Know Your Prospects.

          You have to know your prospects. How many people today try to recruit people but don’t know those they are recruiting? To succeed in affiliate marketing you have to know those you are dealing with. Are they extrovert or introvert? Do they want this or that product? Or do they want but a job? Knowing your prospects is a sure way for obtaining success in affiliate marketing.

3] Be Proud of Your Products.

          How can you succeed in affiliate marketing if you are not proud of your company’s products? You cannot even promote effectively. Failure is guaranteed for those who are not confident with the product their company is offering. Customers see through your eyes and they can tell if you are genuinely glad with what you are promoting or just want to sell and make money.

4] Believe in Your Prospects.

          If you are in a health affiliate marketing company for example and don’t believe the products can cure, how can you sell effectively? You must believe what you are selling to consumers and your customers can heal their wounds. It is only with this type of mindset that you will obtain success in affiliate marketing.

5] Use Your Company Products.

          You have to use your company’s product yourself. If someone will have to join you in business, most times they want to see if you truly believe in your products and if you are using them yourself. Let your home be filled with your company’s products. This is a very effective way to have new recruits into your business.



1] Internal Discouragement.

          Close your mind from internal discouragement. Internal discouragement is what hinders many people from succeeding in affiliate marketing. That inner voice that tells you to quit. The voice that tells you it’s difficult. The voice that tells you no one will believe in your business and that you will fail. Don’t give in to that voice, resist the voice. Develop a positive mental attitude towards succeeding in affiliate marketing.

2] External Discouragement.

          External discouragement could be people you know, like friends, family. They may tell you no one has succeeded in this type of business. They will try as much as possible to tell you how it’s difficult and some may even fight you or try to defame your affiliate marketing business. Avoid their company at all cost. Proof them wrong by succeeding big. Your success will silence them. Reason why you have to work hard and make success your priority in your business.

3] Consumption of Resources.

          Affiliate marketing can make you consume all your resources most times. For instance, there are times you need to print flyers to distribute to people. Most of this at times comes from your personal resources. You will have to put data on phone in other to work online. You will need to pay for adverts in most platforms. At the end you may find that you don’t even make enough profit to cover up. Most people give up at this stage. You have to build perseverance and keep doing it. Sooner or later you will get results.

4] Time Consumption.

          Affiliate marketing needs your time and consistent efforts. If you don’t master yourself, you will become discourage and thoughts of giving up will start flashing in your mind, especially if you don’t see concrete or immediate results in your business. Perseverance is the key to overcoming this tendency of giving up. To succeed in affiliate marketing you have to know that it is time consuming but keep at the back of your mind that profits awaits you if you don’t give up.

5] Seeing the Bigger Picture.

          The reason you should never give up on your affiliate marketing business is that, it has greater benefits. Most people give up because they don’t see the bigger picture. Most of the things we do have results whether positive or negative. If you keep talking about your business and promoting your products, you will sure reap greater benefits and profits.

6] Overcome Discouragement.

          You must do all you can to overcome discouragement. The best way to overcome discouragement is to find a mentor in affiliate marketing. Someone who has succeeded. Find out what he did and copy his example. Follow his actions and listen to his tapes. Knowing that it is possible to succeed in affiliate marketing is enough force to help you overcome discouragement.


                  Put 100%of Your Time

1] Avoid Unnecessary Television Programs.

          Too much television leads to poverty. If you want to succeed in affiliate marketing, you have to cut down on television programs. If possible, do not watch television at all. Instead focus on building wealth with affiliate marketing. Television programs that don’t help you to become better in your business should be avoided at all cost. It will help focus on what is important and will also help path your way to succeed in your business.

2] Avoid too Much leisure.

          If you desire to succeed in affiliate marketing, you have to avoid too much leisure. Too much leisure is a killer of dreams. Many have failed in life because they value present leisure instead of focusing on building wealth for tomorrow. Avoid too much leisure, instead build your business.

3] Avoid Unnecessary Parties.

          Have you heard the word ‘let’s go party’? this simple words have kept many poor and broke. Avoid partying at all cost. There is no time to waste on activities that have no financial benefits in your life. You have to spent time learning more about affiliate marketing and what it takes to be at the top with this type of business.

4] Write Down Your Goals.

          Written goals are very powerful. You have to develop the habit of written down your goals on a piece of paper. Every written goal has already come into existence and carries power. Every written goal has been crystalized already. Make up the habit of written down your goals before you begin. Every successful person we see out there have written goals.

5] Make a Plan.

          You have to make a plan on your goals. If you have a goal of recruiting 1000 people yearly in your business, you have to know how you intent to do it? A plan is like a guide to take you to where you are going. No one builds a house without a plan. So start making plans on your goals right away.

6] Take Action Immediately.

          After you set your plan on your goals, take action immediately. Without action you cannot succeed in affiliate marketing. Without action you cannot succeed in life in general. Action is a very important component for success. You have to take daily action on your plan.


                             Work with Passion.

1] Knowing what You Want.

          Many people don’t really know what they want out of life. They want to become many things at the same time but it is impossible. You have to know exactly what you want to become. You have to know exactly how much money you want as profit in a month in your affiliate marketing business. You have to know what are those things that make you happy and fulfilled. Then direct your energy to that channel. Knowing what you want is the first step of having what you need.

2] How to Develop Passion.

          It is clear that without passion man lacks the will-power to push through with his dream in life. Passion is very essential for success and in affiliate marketing in particular. To have passion it’s quite simple, listen to the tapes of passionate people. Walk with the passionate and make friends only with the passionate. Another way to develop passion is to do what you love and also read the books of successful people. Passion will help you succeed in affiliate marketing.

3] 4 Types of Motivational Activities.

a] Meditation.

b] Visualization.

c] Imagination.

D] Self-talk.


                       Avoid Distractions

1] Other affiliate Programs.

          Avoid joining other affiliate marketing programs no matter how sweet their compensation plan is. Joining too many affiliate marketing company will only lead to failure. You have to remain committed with the one you are with right now. Build your business and succeed. No one can make big money if they are distracted by other affiliate marketing programs.

2] Avoid Negative Influence on your team.

          A lot of up-lines influence their team members negatively and they are wondering why they don’t get results. If you present two businesses to your team members, they will see you like someone who is not serious. And no one wants to follow an unserious leader. Show restrained when it comes to joining two platforms at a time. If you are not selling, promoting, recruiting your team members will likely follow your footsteps. A lot negative influence on your team at all cost if not you won’t make any money in affiliate marketing.

3] 10 Types of Distractions and How to Avoid them.

1] Sleep.

          Too much sleep leads to poverty. To avoid sleeping too much use an alarm clock. When you start waking up at a certain time, your system will automatically start waking you up even without an alarm clock.

2] Play.

         Too much play makes Jack a dull boy. You have to avoid too much play. Today we no longer play outdoors but indoors. Video games have taking over so many homes. You have to know that as you are playing others are promoting their products and recruiting.

3] Television.

          Television has made many people poor and stranded. To avoid too much television, you have to pick up a book on prosperity and start reading. Whenever you fill the urge to watch useless programs just pick up a book and start reading.

4] Social Media.

          Social media is a great tool for making money but could be a weapon for destruction also. Avoid using social media to look at the latest dress your friend bought, instead use it to make money for yourself online through affiliate marketing. To avoid too much social media presence, practice the habit of keeping your phone far from you and off.

5] Friends.

          Don’t spent the whole day talking with friends about politics, football etc. Because time wasted cannot be gotten back no matter what. To avoid this spend time listening to a podcast on affiliate marketing. Discipline yourself not to spend so much time with friends on activities that don’t benefit you in anyway.

Book Written by:

Njomi Bakabe

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