A woman conquers her fear by swimming with over 20 sharks.
By Success life | July 21, 2024
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A woman conquers her fear by swimming with over 20 sharks.
A video has resurfaced on social media showing a woman swimming with 20 sharks. This happens in Maldives with this woman called Muthi from Indonesia. A woman afraid of sharks decides to overcome that fear by swimming with over 20 sharks.
As we all can attest sharks are one of the most deadly water creatures that cause several deaths every year. But a defiant woman decides she will swim with them to overcome her fears,
The best way to overcome fear is to face it. If you are faced with a problem instead of running away face it. This is exactly what this story teaches us.
Muthi 29 who has been afraid of sharks decides to overcome them by swimming with more than 20 of them. She did this on a trip to Maldives.
They were Nurse sharks and they were relatively harmless and docile.