5 Things You Should Never Say to Anyone, No Matter How Angry You Are
By Success life | August 12, 2024
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5 Things You Should Never Say to Anyone, No Matter How Angry You Are
It would help if you never told people you hate them no matter how angry you are. Telling people, you hate them is a fatal blow to be moral and makes them feel belittled and ridiculous. Always tell others how much you love them.
You Are Stupid.
The question I will ask you is if someone calls you stupid how will you feel? I know you will feel bad and very uncomfortable in certain situations. Most people will feel too embarrassed. Avoid telling people that they are stupid.
I wish I never met you.
Most people, especially married couples often use this phrase, yet it remains to this day one of the most dangerous words you could ever use and say towards someone. Avoid telling others you wish you never met them. Instead focus on the good they did to you at some point.
You are a fool.
Calling people foolish is one of the most dangerous words you should never say. This breaks most people down and makes them depressed. Let your words instead build others and not destroy them. Appreciate others and make them feel better about themselves.
You Smell.
Never tell others what they smell. If you meet someone with a body odor, tell them with a good tone and calmness that they just need to clean up more often or maybe advise them to use perfume. But let your help towards them be friendly and not brutal and insulative.