You can actually force respect. Many people can’t stand disrespect. They are offended when someone disrespects them. That is the reason I bring to you this article on how to make people respect you.
1. Be scarce.
The primary reason people don’t respect you is because you have to make yourself too available. What is scarce is valued. What is often seen is neglected. An example is water and gold. Water is everywhere while gold is scarce. In conclusion, water is cheaper.
If you want to be respected by people make yourself scarce. Don’t answer any phone calls. Learn to practice the law of scarcity like in Economics. We humans always value what is scarce.
2. Be loving.
The second most valuable principle to be respected is to be loving. Love is so powerful that it can increase your power and make you respected. Look at God for example. He is loving and shows compassion for everyone. You must be like him.
.You should emulate him, this will draw untold power to you and make others respect you.
3. Never take sides.
The Bible says God gives rain to the rich and to the poor. He makes his sun shine on the sinner and on the righteous. God does not discriminate. You don’t have to take sites when it comes to people. Judge with fairness and equity. This is how to force others to respect you.
4. Be Generous.
Generosity disarms people and makes them look like children. People will respect you if you are generous. A stingy man can never be respected. If you really want others to respect you is not to tell them ‘respect me’ but to be generous towards them.
Take the example for yourself, who do you respect more in the family or among your uncles? the one who gives to you or the stingy one? We turn to respect more those who are generous towards us. You too can start using generosity to make people respect you.
5. Be Expensive.
Who do you respect more? a man who is suited and works in an air-conditioned office or a dirty man who sleeps outside and has no value. You have to be expensive.
Being expensive does not mean buying expensive things to impress people. You can dress well in your outings. In meetings, you should stand out.
People judge you according to your outward appearance. So you have to look good and expensive. Wear the best, and iron your dress. Put yourself among the stars and others will respect you