If you are not confident enough in this life, believe me, you will end up being broke or poor. You must build confidence if you want to be successful in life.
Below are 4 ways to build great confidence.
1. When you go to a meeting always sit in front. Sitting in front will boost your confidence in a unique way. When you attend church, meetings or any other gatherings make sure to take the front sit. This will greatly boost your self-esteem and bolster your confidence.
2. When you are talking with people always make eye contact. Eye contact is very important in a conversation. Eye contact really tells who we are. You can know what people think just with eye contact.
Failure to do eye contact tells the other person something about you. Firstly am inferior to you and am weak in front of you.
3. Another way to build confidence is to walk faster. Your walking can tell more about your mode. The way you walk can either tell whether you are happy or sad. To build confidence you have to walk a little bit faster.
4. Smile big. Smiling is so powerful that when we smile the other person also smiles back. Don’t minimize the power of smiles. Always carry a smiling face around because smiles are contagious and they can brighten your environment. Always smile when you feel fear.