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successlife international

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successlife international
  • Traditional thinking is a killer disease. Many people don’t like to embrace change, so they stay with the past and wonder why they dont progress in life. Below are ways to kill traditional thinking.

  • 1. You have to embrace new thoughts and new ideas. Thoughts like this can’t work or this cant goes must be eradicated from your vocabulary. You must embrace change.
  • You should make it a point to take all new things and make them better. Change is necessary for progress.
  • 2. You have to be an experimental person. You must experiment with new things. You must break free from old routines. Give in to new friends, new books, and new associations.
  • Take a new vacation to a different location. Change the type of meal you eat and eat something different.
  • 3. You have to be progressive and not regressive.
  • That’s the way things function in my former job so we have to do it that way. This is where I used to sit in my former church so I will sit here. You have to accept progressiveness and shun away from regressiveness.
  • It’s not because you played football that your children also should play football. Try to be progressive in life and make your family progressive together with you.

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