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Thoughts Every Christian Should Possess to be Wealthy


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  • Positive thoughts are to be welcomed with all openness. These thoughts emanate from your spirit and they are so powerful towards the accumulation of money. These types of thoughts can make you extremely wealthy and prosperous.  These thoughts attract money towards you and give you an upper hand towards mediocrity.

Below are the different types of positive thoughts every Christian should possess.

 1] Thoughts of good about money.   

          As a Christian, you have to think well about money. Money is not evil but the love of it. You must start thinking God does not want you poor but rich. You must have a positive mindset about money and always appreciate God for it. God created everything even money. So money is part of God’s creation and everything God created is good.

2] Thought of Abundance. 

          You have to think of abundance as a Christian. God wants abundance in your life. They receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness. God wants you to have money not just to cater to your needs but to have it in abundance. He is the God of abundance.

3] Thoughts of Plenty.

          There is a difference between abundance and plenty. Plenty has to do with overflowing. Plenty has to do with running over. God wants you to have plenty of money. He does not want you to suffer. He blessed Abraham with cattle, gold, and silver. He is a God of plenty. Always think of plenty if you want to accumulate riches.

4] Thoughts of Faith.

          Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Without faith, it is impossible to accumulate riches. You need to have faith in God. Let your actions towards money and its accumulation be based on faith. Faith is the most powerful force in the accumulation of money. If you must accumulate money, then you will need faith.

5] Thoughts of Peace.

          You should develop inner peace for yourself. Inner peace is very important for the accumulation of money. Without peace, you cannot be effective in life and you won’t accumulate the necessary money needed to succeed. The Bible says the peace of God that surpasses all understanding should guide your hearts. Peace is very important when it comes to productivity.

6] Thoughts of Love.

          Without love, you may never be rich in life. Let love be without dissimulation and love one another. Never steal from others because you want to have money. It pays to love and walk in integrity. The Bible says the love of God has been shared in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. If you want to be wealthy and prosperous fill your heart with the love of God.

7] Thoughts of Advancement and Progress.

          If you want to be wealthy you must think progress at all times. Some people are very limited in their thinking. Most great men in God’s word were very bold and took some concrete steps toward achieving success. Don’t stay in the past and don’t be comfortable where you are. Do new things and take new steps, take new actions. Come out of your comfort zone.

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