You have to develop positive thoughts towards the accumulation of money daily. You need to have those thoughts guide and channel you. Money is good and it’s used for our day-to-day activities. The less money you have, the less you are in control. The more money you have, the more you are in control.
Your thoughts are a key determinant factor for the accumulation of money. Your thoughts determine if money will come into your life or not. The more negative you are towards money the more money will delude you.
If you want to accumulate wealth you have to develop positive thoughts towards its accumulation. Money is good and can help you accomplish great things. You have to be large in your thinking.
Below are ways to develop a positive mindset toward money
To transform your mind, you need to listen to videos and tapes about money. Let the messages of others guide you on why you need money. Don’t snub those who talk about money. Listen to what they have to say and your mind will be transformed. Sooner you will start reasoning like them and work the path of wealth.
Evil companies corrupt good manners [1 Corinthians 15.33]. As a Christian, you have to avoid those who think money is evil and who spend the whole day talking about how this or that person is a ritualist. Keeping company with such people will corrupt your mind and a corrupted mind is bound to be poor.
You become more like those you associate with. Two cannot walk together unless they agree [ Amos 3.3]. if you want to develop a positive mind towards money work with rich people. If you don’t have the means or possibility to make them your friends then watch them online. In this modern age, there is no reason why you should be poor and no reason why you should lack basic information about your desired interest.
Small thinking leads to small accomplishments. To accumulate money, you have to think big [Ephesians 3.20]. According to Ephesians 3.20, God will only give you what you think. If you think small, then you will answer you small. If you think big then he will answer you big. Start thinking big about your projects. Start thinking big about money. It’s better to start the day believing you will earn 100 Million dollars than 50,000 dollars. You have to start setting out big-money projects and goals. It is only with this type of thinking that your thoughts will be refined positively.
Everything is possible to him who believes [Mark 9.23]. There are immense possibilities for those who desire to be rich. Jesus said clearly everything is possible if you believe. If you believe in earning 500,000 dollars every month then it’s possible. If you believe in earning 1 million dollars every month then it’s possible. Start thinking big possibilities.