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Imparting Your Mind Positively.

Imparting Your Mind Positively.

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Imparting Your Mind Positively.

Imparting Your Mind Positively.
  • If you want to be rich and prosperous you must learn to impart your mind positively. There are many reasons for lack and poverty. One of them is to allow negative things to enter your mind.
  • Enter accept or allow negative thinking. Always be on alert to protect your thoughts. Be careful what you watch on television and also be careful with your associations. They determine your thinking and channel your thoughts to the wrong direction. They have the power to pollute your thoughts. Once your thoughts are polluted it will take time to be clean again. So be vigilant always and guard your hearts.

Below are Six ways you can impact your thoughts positively


1] Positive talking. 

  •           Proverbs 18.21 ‘Life and Death are in the power of the tongue. They that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Here the Bible is very clear, the Christian who thinks poverty is normal and confesses poverty all the time will be poor. If you want to be rich as a Christian, you have to avoid negative talking about money. Money is not evil but the love of it. Money was created by God and he told Adam everything I have created is for you. Practice positive confession daily and watch the transformation. 


2] Watch Videos of Success Minded People.

  •          You become what you watch whether you are conscious of this or not. Be careful with the type of images you sent into your spirit. Instead of wasting time with unproductive tv programs, start watching videos of those who have succeeded. These daily habits will transform your life in a way you never thought possible. It will shape your thoughts and make you start thinking like the rich. When you start thinking like them, you will become like them

3] Avoid Negative News. 

  •           Avoid never news at all costs and never be the bearer of negative news. The negative news is dangerous for the mind. The mind of man can absorb things and use those things to control your life. Watching negative news on television is very dangerous for your spirit and mind. Psalms 112.7 ‘They do not fear Bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.

4] Choose Your Company Wisely. 

  •           Evil company corrupts good manners 1 Corinthians 15,33. The company of fools will be destroyed. Proverbs 13.20. Never underestimate the power of associations. They can either build you or destroy you. Associate with the rich to be rich. He that walks with the wise shall be wise. By their fruits, you shall know them. You know them by their lifestyles and their poor money habits. 

5] Let the Bible Be Your Reference.

  •           The word of God is the light for our path as believers. We must walk in the light of it. God does not encourage poverty. He says wealth and riches shall be in the house of the just. The question now is, what is in your house? Refer yourself always to God’s word. The word of God is the final place for you to know its will for you about finances and money.

6] Be Positive at all Times.

  •           Negativity has never helped anyone. Poor people are very negative, whether in words, thoughts, or habits. Instead as a child of God, you have to be positive and embrace the vision God has given you about your finances. Never join or associate with people who think being poor is righteousness. Poverty has a way to limit your fire for God. Be positive and you will attract the resources that will make you rich.


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