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  •     The mastermind’s ability to control your present for a favorable future is your thoughts. There are many ways a man’s future can be shaped. Your thoughts shape your life. Your present thoughts determine what you will become. You become what you think about most of the time. Guide your hearts above all else, `for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4.23.

Factors Influencing Your Future.

  •       There are some factors that influence your future. You have to understand this. I want to show you those factors that influence your future and how to free yourself from these factors.

Lack of Self-Control.


  •           Lack of self-control is the major reason why most Christians never receive the best God has for them. If you cannot control yourself, you will be in big trouble. Those who lack self-control cannot accumulate wealth. If you want a favorable future, you have to practice self-control. If you want to do something just do it. Be early for work, and always be punctual in your activities. 


Lack of Discipline.

  •           Many Christians fail to accumulate riches because they lack discipline. Lack of discipline in your life is the major cause of why you may be experiencing what you are facing right now. Your financial hustle may come as a result of a lack of self-discipline. You have to discipline yourself in work and in all your projects. Work up early and follow your activities with passion. 


Lack of Vision.

  •            Where there is no vision my people perish [Proverbs 29.18]. This Bible verse is true today as it was true thousand years ago. You cannot be rich without vision. The reason most people are poor is due to the fact that they lack vision. Your vision is an anchor that guides you toward accomplishments. You cannot accomplish anything in life if you lack vision. Write down your vision on a piece of paper and work on them. 


Lack of Goals.

  •           Goals are powerful. We have seen men who had no educational or school knowledge but their goals drove them to become one of the richest men in their generations. You cannot ignore the power of written goals. Don’t only have goals in your head but write down your goals on a piece of paper. Goals that are written down have already been materialized by 50%.



  •           Carelessness is one of the reasons most Christians are poor. Reading your Bible without taking note of God’s will over your finances is carelessness. You have to jot down what God says about your prosperity and what he says about your health. The will of God for you is not to be poor. God wants you prosperous, successful, and financially stable. Avoid being careless and start counting every step as you move towards greater things God has installed for you. 



  •           As a child of God, you need to avoid corruption at all costs. Corruption is the reason most people are poor. The wages you failed to pay the workers who work your fields cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord. [James 5.4]. God fights those who are involved in corruption, and corruption leads to poverty. 


Unstable Mind.

  •           Be ready for poverty if you have an unstable mind. Lack of stability will lead to poverty. Unstable minds will do many businesses at a time. An unstable mind is never focused and always blames family, and parents on their lives. An unstable mind does not know what he or she wants. Avoid being unstable and start focusing on impactful projects and activities. 


Inability to Think Straight.

  •           Many people are not straightforward in their thinking. They always blame others for their misfortunes. You be rich you have to start thinking straight. You are fully responsible for what happens to you. You are responsible for what happens in your life. Take responsibility for your life. 


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