You have to recreate your thought pattern to become a better person. If you are facing financial crises it means your thought pattern is negative. You have to impact it with a new set of patterns that will help you accumulate wealth.
Thoughts can be recreated if we really want to. Look at your life today. You are the product of the kind of thoughts you have been thinking over the years. Your thoughts of yesterday have actually shaped your today and will shape your tomorrow.
If you want a life of wealth and plenty start recreating your thoughts into positive and more powerful beliefs that it’s possible for you to be wealthy and prosperous.
Below are the 3 ways you can recreate your thought pattern.
i] Practice Auto-Suggestion.
What is auto-suggestion? Auto-suggestion is the act of saying something to yourself over and over. Or it can be described as the habit of repeatedly saying something to yourself in a conscious way. Many people are poor because they repeatedly say in their minds they are poor. Some say how others are rich and they are poor or how they can never be rich or that riches are for a certain type of people.
You have to start confessing positively to your life. Your words attract and they can as well repel. Take a piece of paper and write some phrases like. ‘Am Rich. Am a money magnet. Am a millionaire. Confess these over and over to yourself. Do this morning, afternoon, and nighttime. These little daily habits will change your thought pattern and make you more productive.
Ii] Watch Videos and listen to audio on Success.
What you know will either make you or destroy you. The kind of information you take in your mind will either build you for success or build you for failure. You will either be rich or poor depending on the type of information you feed your mind with. Never underestimate the power of images especially if those images carry a message.
Feed your mind with success videos. Listen to those who have accumulated riches. Listen and learn. Their story and lifestyle may become an inspiration for you. You will do and accomplish in a very short time what it took them years to accomplish through trial and error. Your thought pattern will also face a great transformation.
Iii] Daily Confessions.
Our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think Ephesians 3.20. God is able to do above all that we ask. You need to talk in other for God to do. That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. Romans 10.9. Confessions are so powerful that they can either save you or destroy you.
Now that you know this, start practicing daily positive confessions about your finances and about your health. Refuse to give in to poverty. Confess am rich over and over. You will turn the tables around and will start attracting favor from people and your environment will start responding to your demands.