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 Don’t Criticize the Rich.

Don’t Criticise the Rich.

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Don’t Criticise the Rich.

Don’t Criticise the Rich.
  • Criticism towards rich people is very common these days. A lot of rich people undergo insults on a daily basis. Many people sit in their homes or gatherings and all they talk about is how this rich man has done this or that. They fill comfortable and happy when they gang up against someone more powerful and influential than them.


  • Some people are really not serious about their lives. The reason you should avoid criticizing the rich is that you can never be more than the person you criticize. You will be more down, poor and wretched. Never walk with the companion of fools. Avoid those who speak against rich people.


  • Criticizing the rich is a poison that is sweet for a moment but later on bitter for your life. Never be among those who criticize the rich. Flew from their company. Remember evil companies corrupt good manners. If you walk with 5 people you will be the 6 poor people. If you walk with 5 rich people you will be the 6 richest people. If you walk with those who spend all their time criticizing rich people you will obviously start talking like them.


  • Rich people should instead be a role model to you. They should inspire you. Let their lives be a challenge to you. Instead for you to criticize find out what they are doing to be successful that you are not doing. Emulate their actions and lives. You will definitely get results from such actions.


Five Ways People Criticize Rich People


  • Rich People are Thieves.

  • We hear this a lot from people who are poor and are stranded. You will hardly hear a rich man insulting his fellow rich man for being a thief. Only poor people call us thieves. You have to avoid calling those who are working their money genuinely to be thieves. Since they did not come to your house to steal your money.
  • Never allow anger and jealousy to consume you to the point that all you see in front of you are thieves. All that consumes your being is seeing all rich people as thieves. The truth is you will never be like them since you believe one has to steal in order to be rich.


  • Rich People Are Occultists. 

  • Speculating someone’s life is more dangerous than cancer. You see your fellow human being with a new car all that comes into your mind is, “ am sure he killed his father for rituals”. 
  • Someone just had a major business breakthrough but for you, he is an occultist. For some people, people cannot get rich genuinely. For them, since they are poor everybody should be poor. If someone is rich then the person must have hands in blood.
  • I want to tell you now if you continue with this habit and thinking you will never be rich. You will live life in total confusion and hallucinations. You cannot be more than him whom you criticize.


  • Rich People Are Selfish.

  • For many people rich people are selfish. According to them we should splash money around and distribute money then they will know we are generous. Rich people are the highest givers. Just do your findings from the richest people in the world. Check their charitable deeds and what they give out in terms of food items.
  • Rich people are not selfish but they practice what is “Protecting your money”. Rich people protect their money at all costs so they stay rich and have a multiplication. Instead of splashing money around we better invest that money that will yield more profits.


  • Rich People Are Arrogant.

  • Many poor people believe rich people are arrogant. They sit and discussed how this or that rich person is very arrogant. Rich people are not arrogant. What they have is what we call “WILL POWER”. Most times we confuse willpower with arrogance. They are two different things. 
  • Willpower is a strong determination that allows you to do something. During this time your mind becomes strong hence making you tougher in actions and with people.


  • Rich People Are Proud.

  • There is a saying that all poor people are humble. Give him money and you will see his real character. It’s not because of the money, it’s just that those who have money behave differently from those who don’t have money. They have different mindsets. This is the reason why Billionaires walk with Billionaires. 
  • What people call pride in the lives of rich people is actually self-respect. When you have self-respect, people will think you are proud. Even among poor people those with self-respect are always considered to be proud people. 



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