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 Get Rid of Poverty Mindset.

Get Rid of Poverty Mindset.

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Get Rid of Poverty Mindset.

Get Rid of Poverty Mindset.
  • One of the rules of wealth and riches is that you have to get rid of the poverty mindset. The reason many people are poor is due to the type of mindset they have. They have a very negative mind toward riches and money. Their mindsets are corrupted.
  • Poverty starts from the mind. If you want to be rich and wealthy you have to get rid of the negative mind. Fill your mind with good things. Money flees from the man whose mind is polluted. Money will never accrue to you if your thoughts about it are negative all the time.


  • The type of mindset you have will either make you poor or rich. Will either make you wealthy or broke. Your mindset will either make you healthy or sick. The level of your finances today has to do with your mindset.


  • What are your thoughts on money? Are they positive or negative? What type of mindset do you carry on, on a regular basis? Are your thoughts rich thoughts or poor thoughts?


  • Never underestimate the power of your thinking and the way in which your thinking determines your level of finances. Your thinking determines the level of money you are going to have in your life. When you get close to people who criticize the rich or people who talk negatively about money, what are your thoughts? Do you join them or do you walk away from them?


  • When I look at the way people live their lives and the type of programs they watch on TV I have no doubts they will never be rich. There are many factors that make people develop poverty thoughts. 


  • The poverty mind thinking “I will never be rich” has affected many people. Why look for money when you have been confessing on a daily basis that you will never be rich? Your talking and confession alone are the reason why you are poor. To get rid of a negative or poverty mindset always confess ‘am rich’. You may not be living the type of life that you want today but belief me if you keep confessing daily, this will adjust any other thing that might want to come your way in the future. And they will position you for greatness. They will put you at that level where money just flows to you on a regular basis.


  • Confessing daily is to get rid of thoughts keeping you bound in lack and poverty. Thoughts that are affecting your ability to create wealth. Your objective now is to get rid of poverty thoughts that are affecting your mindset.


  • A poverty mind always believes money, wealth, and power are for other people. This is the reason you will hear many people say ‘I came into this world to accompany others. Meaning why others are making money they came instead to see them off in this world. Never allow such demonic thoughts to fill your mind. That is a poverty mindset. You will never be rich if you allow such thoughts to sweep and occupy your mind.


  • You did not come to accompany anybody in this world. We are all on a journey in this world and that journey has to be exciting, wonderful, and beautiful for everyone. You have your own space in the sun. Shine widely and stretch your wings like an eagle. Never allow people to make you feel little. You were born to be great and to make a lot of money for yourself and for your family. 

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